w:boating (magazine)|boating

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Englannin sanakirja

w:boating (magazine)|boating (englanti > suomi)

  1. veneily

w:boating (magazine)|boating englanniksi

  1. The activity of going out onto a body of water in a boat.

  2. 1853, Charlotte Mary Yonge, The Heir of Redclyffe (volume 1, page 95)

  3. I like nothing better than to hear of your ridings, and shootings, and boatings.
  4. 1953, Pennsylvania Angler (volumes 22-23, page 61)

  5. With the old boatmen holding annual re-unions at Rolling Green Park, tales and exciting moments of boatings and fishing in the old canal are told and re-told among veteran boatmen.
  6. puhekieltä In Persia, a punishment of capital offenders, by laying them on the back in a covered boat, where they are left to perish.

  7. (present participle of)
